



特别提示:《SubCat隐私政策》(以下简称“本政策”)仅适用于深圳市域茁科技有限责任公司 (以下简称“SubCat”或“我们”)为您提供的SubCat产品与/或服务(SubCat服务)。您在使用本软件前,请仔细阅读本政策,确保您本人已经完全理解并接受所有条款,否则,请不要注册、登录或使用。其中有关个人敏感信息以及与您个人信息权益相关的重要内容我们已用加粗形式提示,请特别关注。如您是未满18周岁的未成年人,请在监护人陪同下仔细阅读并充分理解本政策,并征得监护人的同意后使用SubCat产品与/或服务。


  1. 一.定义与解释


三、 我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息




1. SubCat产品与/或服务:包括SubCatApp(以下简称“本软件”)经营者SubCat向用户提供的视频添加字幕服务,以下简称“本服务”。

2. 深圳市域茁科技有限责任公司 :SubCat的经营者,专业从事语音及语言技术研究。

3. 用户:是指使用本软件并通过启用、浏览或上传数据至SubCat服务的用户,在本政策中更多地称为“您”。






4.1 视频展示和播放

(1) 我们的产品/服务为您提供视频展示和播放服务,在此过程中,我们需要收集(包括在后台状态下收集)您的如下个人信息:设备型号、设备名称、设备标识信息、浏览器类型和设置、语言设置、操作系统和应用程序版本、登录IP地址、接入网络的方式、网络质量数据、移动网络信息、产品版本号、网络日志信息(操作日志、服务日志)。我们收集这些信息是为了向您提供视频展示和播放服务,如您拒绝提供上述权限将可能导致您无法使用我们的相关产品与服务。请您理解,单独的设备信息、日志信息是无法识别特定自然人身份的信息。如果我们将这类非个人信息与其他信息结合用于识别特定自然人身份,或者将其与个人信息结合使用,则在结合使用期间,这类非个人信息将被视为个人信息,除取得您授权或法律法规另有规定外,我们会将该类个人信息做匿名化、去标识化处理。

(2) 请您理解,您只有提供上述信息才能使用SubCat产品/服务的核心功能,如果您选择不提供上述为实现SubCat核心产品功能的必备信息,或将导致我们无法为您提供该核心产品功能。

(3) 对剪切板收集的权限说明: 此应用收集剪切板信息仅用于复制链接粘贴进软件内,不用于其他目的,剪切板信息不会存储。

4.2 客户服务


4.3 维护/改进我们的产品/服务之必需

(1) 如您使用iOS设备登录我们的产品并且您的设备系统为iOS14及以上时,您可以选择关闭精准定位信息(敏感个人信息),此时我们将仅获取您的大概地理位置(个人信息),关闭精准定位信息不会影响您正常使用该功能。您也可以随时通过您的设备系统的相关功能设置页面开启/取消该权限。 当您更新APP版本后,未经您的明确同意,我们不会更改您之前设置的权限状态。

(2)应用内可能会获取您的SN序列号(Serial Number),用于技术支持、产品维护或账号注册等目的。应用可能会获取您的Wi-Fi信息以获取您的网络状态,以此来给您提供更稳定的服务。

4.4 音视频、截图及图片缓存



您理解并知悉当您使用应用内功能时,可能会看到第三方广告,SubCat软件可能会收集您的个人信息,如MAC地址,ANDROID ID个人信息,陀螺仪传感器,加速度传感器,软件安装列表个人信息。


第三方广告会获取地理位置信息用于广告投放与反作弊。应用被用户授予地理位置权限时,第三方广告会获取地理位置信息,用于广告定向与反作弊;当应用不获取地理位置权限时,第三方广告不会主动获取地理位置权限及地理位置信息。设备ID 当应用被授予广告追踪权限时,第三方广告将获取idfa用于广告归因与追踪。崩溃数据 第三方广告将收集穿山甲SDK带来的崩溃信息,以此来优化代码缺陷。 性能数据 第三方广告将收集SDK运行过程中性能数据,广告标识符(例如广告ID或IDFA),以优化第三方广告SDK的性能。Wi-Fi信息,包括SSID(服务集标识符),BSSID(基本服务集标识符)信息,以识别您的网络状态。我们采取了合理的安全措施来保护您的个人信息,以防止未经授权的访问、使用或披露。


5 除上述情况外,我们还可能在以下场景收集和使用您的个人信息:

5.1 从第三方间接收集的您的个人信息

(1) 您理解并知悉,您向外部第三方(SubCat旗下关联公司不在此限)提供的个人信息,或外部第三方收集的您的个人信息,我们无法获取,更不会使用非常规方式(如:恶意干预对方系列APP数据)擅自以软件程序获得您的个人信息。SubCat可能因业务发展的需要而确实需要从第三方间接收集(如共享等)您的个人信息的,且由我们直接或共同为您提供产品或服务的,我们(或第三方)在收集前会向您明示共享的您个人信息的来源、类型、使用目的、方式和所用于的业务功能、授权同意范围(如果使用方式和范围超出您在第三方原授权范围的,我们会再次征得您的授权同意)。我们的某些产品或服务由第三方业务合作伙伴提供或共同提供时,为了必要且合理的开展业务,我们可能会从部分业务合作伙伴处间接收集的您的部分信息、其他方使用我们的产品/服务时所提供有关您的信息。

(2) 我们的专业安全团队对个人信息将进行安全加固(包括敏感信息报备、敏感信息加密存储、访问权限控制等)。我们会使用不低于我们对自身用户个人信息同等的保护手段与措施对间接获取的个人信息进行保护。

5.2 消息通知与营销推广


5.3 为了预防恶意程序、保障产品/服务的正常运行,我们会收集(包括在后台状态下收集)运行中的进程信息,了解应用程序的总体运行、使用情况。请您理解,单独的进程信息无法识别特定自然人的身份信息。如果我们将这类非个人信息与其他信息结合用于识别特定自然人身份,或者将其与个人信息结合使用,则在结合使用期间,这类非个人信息将被视为个人信息,除取得您授权或法律法规另有规定外,我们会将该类个人信息做匿名化、去标识化处理。

5.4 出于其他合理且必要的目的


5.5 依法豁免征得同意的情形


(1) 为订立、履行我们与您签署的合同所必需;

(2) 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需,例如与国家安全、国防安全、与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的法定职责或者法定义务;

(3) 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护自然人的生命健康和财产安全所必需;

(4) 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内处理个人信息;

(5) 在合理的范围内处理个人自行公开或者其他已经合法公开的个人信息;

(6) 法律法规规定的其他情形。

三、 我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息



1.1 为我们的产品/服务提供功能支持的服务提供商:例如提供支付服务的支付机构、提供配送服务的第三方公司、提供内容分发服务的提供商(如入驻SubCat开放平台并获得您授权的开发者)、提供实名认证功能的验证机构以及其他服务提供商,我们共享信息的目的仅为实现我们产品/服务的功能;

1.2 第三方SDK类服务商:我们的产品中可能会包含第三方SDK或其他类似的应用程序,如您在我们平台上使用这类由第三方提供的服务时,您同意将由其直接收集和处理您的信息(如以嵌入代码、插件等形式)。 前述服务商收集和处理信息等行为遵守其自身的隐私条款,而不适用于本政策。为了最大程度保障您的信息安全,我们建议您在使用任何第三方SDK类服务前先行查看其隐私条款。为保障您的合法权益,如您发现这等SDK或其他类似的应用程序存在风险时,建议您立即终止相关操作并及时与我们取得联系。







4.1 为订立、履行我们与您签署的合同所必需;

4.2 为履行法定职责或者法定义务所必需,例如与国家安全、国防安全、与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的法定职责或者法定义务;

4.3 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护自然人的生命健康和财产安全所必需;

4.4 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内处理个人信息;

4.5 在合理的范围内处理个人自行公开或者其他已经合法公开的个人信息;

4.6 法律法规规定的其他情形。


1. 为给您提供更好的服务,SubCat产品或服务将不时更新与变化,我们会适时对本政策进行修订,这些修订构成本政策的一部分。但是未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您按照本政策所应享有的权利。

2. 本政策更新后,我们会在SubCat发出更新版本,通过应用市场新版本特性公告或弹窗等方式再次提醒您阅读更新后的隐私政策,以便您及时了解本政策的最新版本。如果您不同意本政策,或对本政策修改、更新的内容有异议,您可以选择停止使用SubCat产品或服务。

3. 对于重大变更,我们还会提供更为显著的通知(我们会通过包括但不限于在浏览页面做特别提示等方式,说明本政策的具体变更内容)。













SubCat Privacy Policy

Last Updated: October 19, 2023

Effective Date: October 19, 2023

Special Notice: This “SubCat Privacy Policy” (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) applies only to the products and/or services provided by Shenzhen Yuzhuo Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SubCat” or “we”) known as SubCat products and/or services (SubCat services). Before using this software, please carefully read this policy to ensure that you fully understand and accept all the terms. If you do not agree with any of the terms, please do not register, log in, or use the service. Important content regarding personal sensitive information and your rights related to personal information is highlighted in bold for your special attention. If you are under the age of 18, please read and fully understand this policy in the presence of a guardian, and obtain their consent before using SubCat products and/or services.

This policy will help you understand the following:

I. Definitions and Interpretation

II. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

III. How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

IV.How We Update This Policy

V. How to Contact Us

I. Definitions and Interpretation

1.SubCat Products and/or Services: This includes the SubCat App (hereinafter referred to as “the software”) operated by SubCat, which provides users with the service of adding subtitles to videos, hereinafter referred to as “the service.”

2.Shenzhen Yuzhuo Technology Co., Ltd.: The operator of SubCat, specialized in speech and language technology research.

3.User: Refers to the users who use the software, browse, or upload data to SubCat services, more commonly referred to as “you” in this policy.

II. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

1. SubCat collects and uses your personal information, which you actively provide or generate due to the need for products/services, in accordance with legal regulations and following the principles of legitimacy, legality, and necessity. If we intend to use your personal information for purposes not stated in this Privacy Policy, or use information collected for specific purposes for other uses, we will promptly inform you in a reasonable manner and seek your consent again before use.

2. The types of personal information we collect and use include two kinds: The first type is essential for the core business functions of our products/services. Such information is necessary for the normal operation of the product/service, and you must authorize us to collect it. If you refuse to provide it, you will be unable to use our products/services normally; The second type is additional information that may be needed for additional business functions. This information is not essential for core business functions, and you can choose whether to authorize us to collect it. Refusal to provide such information may result in the inability to achieve or realize the intended effect of these additional functions, but it will not affect your normal use of the core business functions.

3. You can consult specifically on the collection and use of your personal information through email or feedback.

4. Generally, we will collect and use your personal information in the following scenarios:

4.1 Video Display and Playback

   (1) Our products/services provide you with video display and playback services. In this process, we need to collect the following personal information (including in the background state): device model, device name, device identification information, browser type and settings, language settings, operating system and application version, login IP address, network access mode, network quality data, mobile network information, product version number, network log information (operating logs, service logs). We collect this information to provide you with video display and playback services. If you refuse to provide the above permissions, it may result in your inability to use our related products and services. Please understand that device information and log information alone cannot identify a specific natural person. If we combine this non-personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person, or use it in conjunction with personal information, during the combination period, this non-personal information will be regarded as personal information, and unless authorized by you or otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify this personal information.

   (2) Please understand that only by providing the above information can you use the core functions of SubCat products/services. If you choose not to provide the essential information for achieving the core product functions of SubCat, it will result in our inability to provide you with these core product functions.

4.2 Customer Service

   When you initiate a complaint, appeal, or inquiry to SubCat, for your account and system security, we may require you to provide account information first, which will be matched with your previous personal information to verify your identity. Also, to facilitate contact with you or to help you solve problems, we may need you to provide the following sensitive personal information: name, phone number, email, and other contact details, city/region information. Additionally, we will collect communication information with us (including text/image/audio-video/call record forms) and other necessary information related to your needs. We collect this information to investigate facts and help solve your problems. If you refuse to provide the above information, we may not be able to provide timely feedback on the results of complaints, appeals, or inquiries.

4.3 Necessary for Maintaining/Improving Our Products/Services

   (1) If you use an iOS device to log into our product and your device system is iOS 14 or above, you can choose to turn off precise location information (sensitive personal information). In this case, we will only obtain your approximate geographical location (personal information). Turning off precise location information will not affect your normal use of this function. You can also enable/disable this permission at any time through the relevant function settings page of your device system. When you update the APP version, without your explicit consent, we will not change the permission status you previously set.

   (2) The app may access your SN serial number (Serial Number) for technical support, product maintenance, or account registration purposes. The app may also access your Wi-Fi information to obtain your network status, thereby providing you with a more stable service.

4.4 Audio/Video, Screenshot, and Picture Caching

   When you use a mobile device to log into our product and use audio/video caching, screenshot caching, and image storage functions, we may access your device’s storage permissions. If you refuse to provide this will only make you unable to use this function, but it does not affect your normal use of other functions of the product/service. At the same time, you can also enable/disable this permission at any time through the relevant

 function settings page of your device system. Your enabling of this permission is deemed as your authorization for us to access, obtain, collect, and use your relevant personal information; however, when you revoke this authorization, we will no longer collect such information and will not be able to provide you with the corresponding services; but unless you have deleted your personal information in accordance with the law, your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of your personal information based on your previous authorization. When you update the APP version, without your explicit consent, we will not change the permission status you previously set.

4.5 Third-Party Advertising

You understand and acknowledge that when using functions within the application, you may see third-party advertisements. SubCat software may collect your personal information, such as MAC address, ANDROID ID, gyroscope sensor, accelerometer sensor, and a list of installed software, as personal information.

Our application integrates third-party advertising SDKs, including ByteDance’s Pangle, ByteDance’s Ocean Engine, Tencent’s Guang Dian Tong, Tencent’s YouLiangHui, and Tencent Advertising, among others. These SDKs may collect advertising-related information, including but not limited to advertising identifiers (such as Ad ID or IDFA) for ad delivery and personalized advertising.

Third-party advertisements will obtain geographic location information for ad placement and anti-fraud purposes. When the application is granted geographic location permission by the user, third-party advertisements will obtain geographic location information for targeted advertising and anti-fraud; when the application does not obtain geographic location permissions, third-party advertisements will not actively obtain geographic location permissions or information. Device ID: When the application is granted ad tracking permission, third-party advertisements will obtain IDFA for ad attribution and tracking. Crash data: Third-party advertisements will collect crash information caused by the Pangle SDK to optimize code defects. Performance data: Third-party advertisements will collect performance data during the SDK operation and advertising identifiers (such as Ad ID or IDFA) to optimize the performance of the third-party advertising SDK. Wi-Fi information, including SSID (Service Set Identifier) and BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifier) information, is used to identify your network status. We have taken reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

The [Pangle, Ocean Engine] SDK integrated into the application collects personal information related to Wi-Fi information.

5. In addition to the above situations, we may also collect and use your personal information in the following scenarios:

5.1 Personal Information Collected Indirectly from Third Parties

   (1) You understand and acknowledge that personal information you provide to external third parties (not including SubCat’s affiliated companies) or personal information collected by external third parties cannot be accessed by us, and we will not use unconventional methods (such as malicious interference with other series of APP data) to obtain your personal information without authorization. If it is indeed necessary for business development for SubCat to indirectly collect (such as through sharing) your personal information from third parties, and it is directly or jointly used to provide products or services to you, we (or the third parties) will inform you in advance about the source, type, purpose, and method of use of your personal information shared, and the scope of authorization and consent (if the method and scope of use exceed the original authorization scope at the third party, we will seek your consent again). Some of our products or services are provided or co-provided by third-party business partners, and for necessary and reasonable business development, we may indirectly collect part of your information from some business partners and other information about you provided by others using our products/services.

   (2) Our professional security team will reinforce the security of personal information (including sensitive information reporting, encryption storage of sensitive information, access control, etc.). We will protect the indirectly obtained personal information with no less protection and measures than those we use for our own users’ personal information.

5.2 Message Notifications and Marketing Promotions

   We may send you one or more types of notifications through the contact information you provide during the use of our products/services (such as phone numbers), for user message notification, identity verification, security verification, and user experience surveys.

5.3 To prevent malicious programs and ensure the normal operation of our products/services, we will collect (including in the background state) running process information to understand the overall operation and usage of the application. Please understand that process information alone cannot identify the specific identity of a natural person. If we combine this non-personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person, or use it in conjunction with personal information, during the combination period, this non-personal information will be regarded as personal information, and unless authorized by you or otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify this personal information.

5.4 For Other Reasonable and Necessary Purposes

   If a product/service that needs to collect your personal information is not explained in this Privacy Policy, or if we go beyond the claimed purpose and scope directly or reasonably related to the collection of your personal information, we will, before collecting and using your personal information, explain separately through updating this Privacy Policy, page prompts, pop-ups, site letters, website announcements, or other convenient means for you to be aware of, and provide you with a method to voluntarily agree, and collect and use it after obtaining your explicit consent.

5.5 Situations Exempted from Obtaining Consent by Law

   You understand and agree that in the following cases, we can collect

 and use your personal information without obtaining your authorization and consent:

   (1) Necessary for the formation and performance of a contract signed with you;

   (2) Necessary for fulfilling legal duties or obligations, such as those directly related to national security, national defense security, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment enforcement, and other legal duties or obligations;

   (3) Necessary to respond to sudden public health events or emergencies to protect the life, health, and property safety of natural persons;

   (4) For conducting news reporting, public opinion supervision, and other acts in the public interest, processing personal information within a reasonable scope;

   (5) Processing personal information that has been publicly disclosed by individuals or other legally disclosed personal information within a reasonable scope;

   (6) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

III. How We Share, Transfer, and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

1. Sharing

Generally, we do not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual. However, to provide you with more comprehensive and high-quality products/services, we may share some of your personal information with third-party partners under the premise of adhering to the principles of ‘legality, legitimacy, minimum necessity, and clear purpose’. In such cases, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with partners, requiring them to process your personal information according to our instructions, this Privacy Policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. If you refuse to allow our partners to collect the personal information necessary to provide services, you may be unable to use the third-party services on our platform. Our partners usually fall into the following categories:

   1.1 Service providers that support the functionality of our products/services: For example, payment institutions providing payment services, third-party companies providing delivery services, content distribution service providers (such as developers authorized by you on the SubCat open platform), authentication agencies providing real-name verification functions, and other service providers. The purpose of sharing information is solely to realize the functionality of our products/services.

   1.2 Third-party SDK service providers: Our products may contain third-party SDKs or similar applications. When you use services provided by third parties on our platform, you agree that they will directly collect and process your information (e.g., in the form of embedded code, plugins, etc.). The information collection and processing activities of the aforementioned service providers abide by their own privacy terms and do not apply to this policy. To ensure the security of your information to the greatest extent, we recommend that you review their privacy terms before using any third-party SDK services. To protect your legal rights, if you find risks in such SDKs or similar applications, we advise you to immediately stop the related operations and contact us promptly.

2. Transfer

Except with your explicit consent, we will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual. If a transfer of your personal information is necessary due to mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidation, we will inform you of the name of the recipient and require the recipient to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If the recipient changes the personal information processing purposes and methods agreed upon in this Privacy Policy, we will require the recipient to re-obtain your authorization and consent.

3. Public Disclosure

We will not publicly disclose your personal information that you have not disclosed yourself or that has not been legally disclosed, except for public disclosure in accordance with laws and regulations or with your separate consent. If we need to publicly disclose your personal information, we will conduct a personal information protection impact assessment in advance and adopt industry-standard security protection measures and methods to ensure the safety of your personal information.

4. Exceptions to Sharing, Transferring, and Publicly Disclosing Your Personal Information

Please be aware that, according to the provisions of laws and regulations, in the following situations, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information do not require prior authorization and consent:

   4.1 Necessary for the formation and performance of a contract we have signed with you;

   4.2 Necessary for fulfilling legal duties or obligations, such as those directly related to national security, national defense security, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment enforcement, and other legal duties or obligations;

   4.3 Necessary to respond to sudden public health events or emergencies to protect the life, health, and property safety of natural persons;

   4.4 For conducting news reporting, public opinion supervision, and other acts in the public interest, processing personal information within a reasonable scope;

   4.5 Processing personal information that has been publicly disclosed by individuals or other legally disclosed personal information within a reasonable scope;

   4.6 Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

III. How We Update This Policy

1.In order to provide you with better services, SubCat products or services may be updated and changed from time to time. We will revise this policy as necessary, and these revisions constitute part of this policy. However, without your explicit consent, we will not diminish the rights you should enjoy according to this policy.

2.After this policy is updated, we will issue a new version of SubCat and remind you to read the updated privacy policy through methods such as announcements or pop-ups in the application marketplace, so that you can stay informed about the latest version of this policy. If you do not agree with this policy or have objections to the modified or updated content, you can choose to stop using SubCat products or services.

3.For significant changes, we will also provide more prominent notice (we will specify the specific changes to this policy through methods including but not limited to special reminders on the browsing page).

Significant changes referred to in this policy include, but are not limited to:

(1) Significant changes in our service mode, such as the purpose of processing personal information, the types of personal information processed, and the ways personal information is used.

(2) Significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, etc., such as changes caused by business adjustments, bankruptcies, mergers, etc.

(3) Major changes in the main recipients of personal information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure.

(4) Significant changes in your rights and how they are exercised regarding the processing of personal information.

(5) Changes in the department responsible for the security of personal information, contact information, and complaint channels.

(6) When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk.

(7) Changes made in response to the release and implementation of policies or laws, in response to national policies or legal norms.

IV. How to Contact Us

To better protect your personal information, we have established a dedicated department for network security and personal information protection. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this policy or your personal information while using SubCat, please contact us through the following means. Generally, we will respond within 15 days:

Contact Email:

If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if you believe that our processing of personal information has harmed your legal rights, and we cannot provide a satisfactory response and refuse to improve after your feedback, you can file a complaint and report to the relevant regulatory authorities.
